March 28, 2005
happy easter happy easter happy easter ... what is so happy about easter ... i guess its better than hearing it's easter f*ck you all weekend long ... i'm not too religious so easter doesn't have much signifigance for me ... but i am saving christianity for the latter part of my life for when i'm old and grey and have nothing better to do so i dont end up burning in hell ... so i guess easter is not completely meaningless to me haha ... anyways, my sister's [chinese] boyfriend's family had a big family easter dinner this past weekend ... turkey, stuffing, the whole shebang ... are they christian? ... no, me thinks they just like to adopt holidays and celebrate everything ... her boyfriend probably even had a bar mitzvah growing up
more stuff i hate part 4:
i hate the type of people who think that everything is about them ...a prime example would be the type of people that always have to get all mental about some stereotype i have written about ... ie. ur so wrong/i am so offended/i am so not like that!! ... did the blog have your name on it? was it addressed to you? ... these people think they are special and unique ... or "different" like anybody gives a sh*t ... thesauruses list unique, special and different as synonyms of weird ... coincidence?
remember that scene in edward scissorhands where edward is trying to eat some sugarpeas at dinner but is unsuccessful because of the length of his fingers? ... my nails are just long enough that most day to day activities require aid ... buttoning shirts/pants, trying to pick up a quarter, dialing a phone and putting in/taking out contacts lenses are all time consuming ordeals ... anything typed on the computer keyboard turns into slurred retard speech ... i should be given a wheelchair and be able to park in the handicapped parking lanes in my state ... i hate my nails yet i love them >_<
my sisters and i rented this korean movie way back in the day called robu robu [in konglish] ... we thought it was some chick flick called love love only to go home, turn it on and watch it with our parents to find out [in mild horror] that is was called rub love and not love love like we had originally thought ... if there is nothing more i dread, its having to watch sex scenes with my parents around ... sex scenes during movies with my parents are probably the only times in my life i wished i was like helen keller .... deaf and blind
i hate when korean people pretend to know sh*t about wine ... this chardonnay has a very complex aroma with a hint of citrus ... barf ... you're very dumb with a hint of stupid ... u could be at a restaurant with a waitress suggesting a dozen different wines and the only thing we will ask is yes but is it sweet? ... all a wine has to be for a korean person to think that it is good, is to be sweet ....our tongues are not sensitive enough to differentiate the subtleties of wine flavors ... to us, there are only 2 flavors: spicy and non-spicy ... my major concern when i was at the dinner table, as a kid was, is it mewuh [spicy]? ... our faces scowl when we eat anything that is a little too sweet ... we can only eat half a chocolate bar in one sitting ... and y'know those sugary icing cakes they sell at safeway ... unfit for asian comsumption because of the pasty sugary sweet icing and only gets served at the birthday parties of white kids ... so we call it "the white people cake"
my parents are cool but is my mom the only person that dresses up to go to the doctor? and when will my dad stop yelling into the phone like it has a 1950s connection whenever he's on a long distance call?
this is my honeybear <3
Comments (107)
"you're very dumb with a hint of stupid" - lol! good one.
"there are only 2 flavors: spicy and non-spicy" - you know you want the spicy...always go for the spicy. ;P
Happy Easter!!!!!!!
p.s. i've decided i'm stealing your dog =p
am i the only person who doesn't think pugs are cute?
um...okay there...maybe some Korean person who owns a winery would like to comment. And maybe your Mom's doctor is hot, that's why she dresses up. lol..
"when will my dad stop yelling into the phone like it has a 1950s connection whenever he's on a long distance call?" - puahahhahaha ... my parents do that too ... sometimes even when talking on cell phones. i'm like why are you yelling? i hear you fine.
that winking banner is so subliminal... i think its trying to tell me something. 2 winks and a blink, whatchu thinx?
awww ur pug is soooo cute! hahaha ur entry is funny! keep up the good work dearie
Hmm interesting entry..lolz... I'm not korean...but my parents yell and scream to communicate with each other while they are in the same room. And the porn thing...uh...can't explain that..lolz...its just an uncomfortable vibe you get from your rents even if its non nude sexual activities.
yes, they do........haha
ryc: You know, with all those blinking cell phone antennae thingamajigs around, I don't think you'd be able to check out many cars either..
hey! to married people, going to the doctor IS going out! where else am i gonna wear these goddamn dresses?? what the fuck is wrong with chooiiii? pugs are fucken cute you homo.
whut the smell is a dinasaur egg bbang? is that the waffle egg bbang i like?? or the chapsal bbang u like?'s all true...all true! i took a wine tasting course in college...dropped it after the first day cuz who was i kidding?
Nope, still here! Not leaving...edward scissor hands...classic movie!
as long as the wine gets me drunk...then im all gravy
"yes but is it sweet?" hahahaha... same goes for my family. my dad also likes to scream into the phone too. we all have no choice but to stop watching tv at that point. =?
eheh good post...i cant eat white people cake, its gross
my dads like that even on local calls and even worse on the cell phone..its quite embarresing
ryc: it's ALL ME! haha! =)
actually, i needed to see the dentist and get them pulled. going for the other two next week. =P and very very funny post today. =) msg me on aim, don't wanna trade a convo through comments. =P
isn't turkey and stuffing usually reserved for thanksgiving?
ryc: thank you thank you thank you.....
happy easter.. amen to all of your ranting.
you're so hilarious....i can relate to a lotta that stuff too....
no....opus is on davie....beside elixer....i've only been to section 3 once....but left rite away b/c it was way too busy....
Goddamn this was hilarious. I'm so glad I subbed you.
Jay, what happened to your nose and lips?! Why are they so black??
Voda's ok, lots of my friends went down that night so I had fun. This weekend just went to a house party, that took up my saturday and most of my sunday too. Stayin home is where it's at. If I had better excuses I'd stay home more often.
Got playoff hockey now..wish me luck, or don't haha
lol I tend to shout on the phone too during long distance calls.
I didn't know you're supposed to have turkey on Easter. Dem chinese love them some poultry.
Love reading your thoughts on the world. (smile)
I was in your dreams....I should be honored lol
ya her cd isn't bad
and amerie's cd is comming out too! man she's so hot ha ha 1/2 korean 1/2 black hehe so sexy!
LOL you crack me up
and your doggies are way too cute!
aww cute dog! =D
hockey game was ok, but we lost by a goal..I was pretty pissed after, but I just had a cookie and now I"m fine =)
yah it does get expensive...trying to put more money away automatically into investments so I don't have as much to's working a bit so far. How often do you go out?
*takes out the nail cutter* muahahaha
haha.. yelling in the phone on long distance calls? my dad screams so loud when i call him, i gotta back the earpiece off. hope u had a good easter=)
a message from my friends..."a cute korean girl in vancouver and we missed it..." T_T
happy belated easter!
my nails break all the time so i keep them super short....light manicure..but these days i'm so lazy i don't bother.
wine tasting is something you can or can't do...some people have more sensitive palates..also depends if you want to do me...there's differences in flavor =)
Cute little thing. =)
Ah, Jay. How do I win your heart?
SOmehow you made an entry about fingernails sound interesting. Nice eyebrows by the way.
aww damn..that is a cute pug..
need to dog-nap..just kidding..
yea....i can't stand the fishy tuna taste too....this is the only place that i'll eat it...never had hawaiian tuna is it?
Don't stress out that much, you'll lose vitamins.
Coz you're sweet and funny
you havent been to some fun places! you gotta get your cute self down here and visit these places =)
what is "wuzzah? hiyah." ??? =P msn then?
do you have those fingernails that are soooo long, they curl down into spirals?? ewwww... stop that shit, you aint a sista!
accccccccckkkkkkkk i HATE watching sex scenes with my parents too. omg i cant tell if its me or if the silence really does get thick and overwhelming and im scared to look around or cough funny. ugh gross.
going out in NYC is fun though, lots of weirdos to observe.
so what do you do the other 90% of the time? besides dressing up puggy (what's his/her name btw?).
ryc: thanks.. I'll take some pictures if I spot any fat people making out on the beach.
cutting carbs is obscene...its just not natural.
and its just exfoliants and moisturizers for my face...thats where i draw the line.
honeybear is so cute ^_^
my parents are opposite, my dad dresses up for doctor and mom talks uber loud on the phone . Definitely an asian trait though .
i remember edward scissorhands... vaguely o.o live in vancouver and you've never been to Whistler? how is that possible? i guess you're not a boarder or skiier huh? then again, i've been living in NYC my whole life and i've never been to the top of the empire state building.
btw, i went through the same embarrassing sex scene thing with my mom. i downloaded this korean movie called "marriage is a crazy thing", thinking it was a comedy. i asked my mom if she wanted to watch it with me. 5 minutes into the movie, a really heavy sex scene came on. i just turned my eyes away from the tv and towards a blank wall. i tried to play it off until the scene passed but then the moaning and groaning started. that's when my mom looked up and yelled at me. i quickly shut it off and told her it was boring.
i went to great canadian on united. A good time was had by all haha
Your Honeybear is very cute btw
Baby, you don't post a lot but whenever you do, it's a gem! I agree with spicybeefjerky, "you're very dumb with a hint of stupid"...LOL. Good line.
I think Asian moms, in general, dress up to do anything. My mother refuses to go to the market unless she's all dolled up. I think that's where I picked up my metrosexuality from.
ryc: I'm serious about the contest, but so far the response has been like it's a joke. That's what happens when my xanga looks like a circus freak show. If you want to nominate your sister, e-mail me her info (read the damn rules, woman!!). You should nominate yourself!!
awwww, i am sorry. you had to cut all of them. boohoo... j/k...
personally, i like nicely trimmed nails on girls, and it hurts less when they pinch me.
yea people can be very into themselves...i say if something offends you theres this lil "x" button at the top of ur screen that u can click on...drama queens i tell ya.
did u get ur dog from a friend wanted a pug so i was just wondering.
It's a project I'm working on. Trying to make these graphical interpretations of the seven deadly sins while telling some things about myself. This one is for Vainglory, or Pride. I took the picture of a statue in a fountain outside of the Venetian in Las Vegas, and it looked like he was looking up at heaven in contempt. I loved the look, so I used it here.
The music you're hearing is German industrial metal.
whens the doggy playdate!!
and where's my damn phone call u sellouts!!!!!!
i love korean pride. i also love the fact i dont know a single person who has served time for their country in the army, pride naby! and i also love the fact that despite writing a whole hating blog, my last comment should be getting u all defensive and insulted. but u love me. u do!
ryc: Why do all beautiful girls think they look like blah? I don't think you look blah, despite having never met you in person. But I doubt you're sucky as you say - cause it a hunch. My baby mama ain't no ugly ducklin.
You need to nominate yourself!!
I, on the other hand, look sucky in person AND very unphotogenic. Talk about a double whamie.
haha nice dog outfits. only in america.
ah hahahaha, that christianity part hits deep. me dave. u funny.
You have really pretty eyes.
haha. great. so i canNOT message you. =P
cute cute...
You hate that shit too, huh? Fucking pretentious 22 year olds, sipping wine like bourgeousie pigs all the while "jup-jupping" the booze, swilling it around their palates trying to detect slight hints of strawberry and shiet... Jesus Chlist, man.
What song are you talking about, Jay? You and I have this dialectical understanding of not understanding... in a strange way... it works...
i agree.
no, i wouldn't mind if they pinch me on the butt, it hurts less. they pinch me boobies, i mean manly chest nubbies. and then they like to do the twisties. one of these days i am gonna return the favor and see how they like it...
btw, eddie scissorhands, that movie is awesome, one of my favorites. i like the part where he was so nervous he punched all these holes in the waterbed, and then trying to cover one of the holes with the teddy bear, hahaha, hilarious...
Thats that dog from movie men in black!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dang! so many eprops! share!
dude, you stole my dog?
don't blame pms.
everyone thinks im korean. im NOT korean. not that its a bad thing.
I hope that was a typo on that last comment u wrote lol
oh my god.
your doggie is too cute for words.
oh, com'on...i wouldnt stare at your ass.....for long. haha j/k
with your entry? i dont know.
"Youth in Asia". Goodness gracious, we certainly don't want any of that.
i was gonna comment before...but you gots tons of comments i thought you wouldn't read it... i like your page... especially the hypnotic eye banner... i was just looking to see if the other one blinked too...oh yeah, you've got a great sense of humor...a rapier's wit...
recently i have been gettin bad reviews on my i protected sorry..but you can email me next time.About the horoscope i thought it was interesting..i dont believe in a true believer in christ...dont worry : p is nice hearin from you again...u have a wonderful day.
"You have really pretty eyes.
Posted 3/30/2005 at 3:45 AM by molochio_aderre"
i've never had a manicure/pendicure~
i'm too impatient and boyish for those things- can't sit still... AND i'll probably ruin it within an hr from typing, washing things or simply flailing my hands around ;P
u're so funny. stop talking about me that way..
u know what? my gramma talks really loud on the phone. and the further away they are, the louder she is. so her san fran phone calls are not as loud as her hk ones. it's so wrong, but so funny. and i keep trying to tell her that they can hear just fine, but then she says i'm crazy. why is their excuse for everything that i'm crazy?
plus, anyone who saw the movie sideways now thinks s/he is a bona fide wine expert. they're bona fide homos, is what i think.
thanks for the eprops! your site is always a trip! take care!
ya they are...i've got liek 4 weddings this year...this one is my 2nd one so far...filipino weddings r very long...
that dog looks delicious
just add BBQ sauce!
yea..I think its the phase where you go too much that partying sucks.. well that is my case.. dammn.. my life is a bore!
anyways..fondues are good..its just melted cheese with bread and other stuff.. =)
J you gotta come out to Atlantis one of these days. How bout THE GRAND RE-OPENING OF ATLANTIS ON SATURDAY APRIL 9TH!!!! (Shameless plug, muah ha ha ha ha)
ryc: yes it is...that's why in's bitingly cold... where are ya from?
seriously love the banner...cracks me up all the time...
yeah, sprinkling chocolate into meal replacement shakes aint gonna help.
i guess its going alright...its just not natural though...gulping down thick powdery beverages...reminds me of a fear factor episode. im only replacing one meal out of the day, so i should be able to manage...though i doubt i can do it for more than two months.
are ya tryin' to fish for compliment, miss j...fine i'll acquiesce to your sly demand...pertaining to the latter comment you made on my don't have to try hard to be cute...;) was that good or what? have a good april fool's...
yes..hehe shes my baby ...thank you...yeah people these days...aigooooo
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I HATE WHEN PPL ACT LIKE THEY KNO ABOUT WINE. ITS NOT IMPRESSIVE IN THE SLIGHTEST. ITS SUCH A POINTLESS THING TO HAVE KNOWLEDGE ABOUT. the difference btwn a $200 bottle of wine vs a $60 bottle of wine is so minute and insignificant and the ppl who care about it are just as minute and insignificunt.
haha...don't be jealous girl...there's enough soseji to go around.
can't stand ppl who talk about wines and any other thing that perceived as 'cultural'. even if i have a sincere interest in it, i still try to avoid the topic with most since i think they'll take it as an opportunity to show off especially when they should know that i'm the REAL expert. and yeah, come to think of it, my dad always yells into phones. interesting. no joke, they got fined. Started last Saturday.
Your dog is really cute!
I know what you mean about Easter. I was raised Catholic, but it doesn't mean anything to me. I just don't get it as far as having a special feeling for it as a holiday.
Take care.
Hmm. The week has finally passed... It seemed to drag on forever. How will you spend your weekend, if I may ask? I hope you'll have a wonderful time.
i can just imagine your dog singing, "Who let the dogs out! WOOF! WOOF WoOOF WOOF WOOF!!" like that dog from Men in Black 2.
my gramma too! it's like no one ever taught them to say "bye" so they just talk until they don't care anymore and then 'click' they're gone. just like that. poop. trip was great! lots of chilling. didn't do anything new. just went to different places i hadn't been before and did the same old thing. but it was good for me. i needed to get away and be calm and be chill and i am and i did and so it's all good now. woo!
Gaah, I don't understand ppl wjo dress up their pets/buy costumes. I once put a 2XL tee over me dog and he skipped and couldn't really move ... .
I'm sorry, I can't sing and I didn't read your comment in time, but I tried to whistle alot, as harmonicly as I could.
I dunno nothing about wine and and not much about white ppl's cakes, I just like to eat and drink and as long as it tastes good it's alright for me.
Long nails!? You sexy ...
awwwww what an ugly dog
u get too many comments. ms. popular?
There you go, I just subscribed to you.
Frank Sinatra...and here's another comment, yuja
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