February 13, 2005
Little boy: ¡°uncle, what toys did you play with when you were my age?¡±
Uncle: ¡°I had a slinky¡±
Little boy: ¡°uncle, were you a retard?¡±
i can’t remember where i ripped that off from … anyways … i feel old … my 8 year old cousin came over a few days ago for chinese new years and she was telling me how most of the girls in her class either had their belly buttons or tongues pierced … wtf?? 8 year olds with pierced tongues?? … when i was 8 years old, i had to beg my mom to get my ears pierced and the only thing i had in my belly button was lint … times are changing … music has evolved so much too … i wonder what it was like growing up back in the old days … can you imagine if you turned on hot 97 and they were playing shet like elvis presley or the temptations on the hitlist countdown? … music’s gone from love me tender, love me true => when i think of you i wanna touch myself … if it keeps evolving in that direction, what will my grandchildren be listening to when they turn their radios on? straight up porno noises? moaning? … am i being old fashioned? ignorant? will i be the retarded uncle like in the dialogue above? … what would you do if your 8 year old daughter wanted to pierce her tongue?
Comments (68)
give her a lolly pop.
id probably say, “ill pierce your tongue for you, you little sheki,”
then smack her.
situations like that make me not want to have a daughter.. i think i’ll die of a heart attack before she’s old enough to walk!
dun even bother going it’s the same…plush has been “ brought back to life ” which isn’t true so many times it’s not even funny…ya I know I miss the good ol funktion fridays
sometimes I wish we brought it back or started up another nite…maybe in the near future we will again one day lol
oh ya btw jae u never go out anyways hehe i thought u quit clubbing…i’m finding that i’m staying more at home now a days also
take her to the orthodontist for braces and then slip a $100 to the doctor to shut her up with wires. i’ll just invest in a good juicer.
btw, do you know any good places to party in vancouver?
ahh, its a stalkin xanga. that’s y.
I thought children under the age of 18 needed parental consent to pierce their navel and tongue? And I’m in total agreement about the music these days and their sexual content. Happy Valentines Day btw.
that banner is truly freaky. but please explain why my mom is cool. i mean, she’s probably cooler than u. but still, i wanna hear from someone else’s point of view.
*Crunching puck cookies* You are already an old retard if you played with a slinky!? *Crunch*
I guess she probably won’t know what a piercing is ’cause she’ll be singing about Jesus 24/7, muhahahah ha!! *cookie crumbs fall out of mouth*
And buttz is not gonna dig the lint out the belly button.
you granma
“Jjokgooman ggakjengi ya! Gabooljimah!”
wow man u got so many readers now and i got like 1 or 2!! happy v day jae!! my postcard buddy
no, you’re the one with the nice profile pic. heh
yup that’s wat people do! dumbass’s haha…cougar club lmao ur not that old jae heh…so when r u getting married HAHAHA
So I guessed correctly!? You know, it doesn’t do no harm to take a shower once a day…
No more puck cookies please, I already have a stomach ache. I’d like to clean the pool now so that I can avoid the pucking more easily.
what’s going on in here.
yeah, my buddies and i are planning to go next month. if you’re “retired” then at least you’d know where/what used to be happening, no? any suggestion is appreciated. thanks. =]
It’s weird Jay, because from what I ascertained, there are three sisters… and yet you and Jemi are the only ones that are prominently displayed internetically… forgive me if I’m being too forward, but it seems like there’s some sort of deep, dark secret, just waiting to be revealed in the unbearable light… *SO BRIGHT*
yeah i’ve read/seen those clubs online. we’re bunch of korean dudes so asian parties are good. good mixed crowd even better. btw, parties in cali can be overrated.
Whoa…I’m gone for a couple of days, and what is this I see? A post that actually didn’t get deleted? I want all my nickles back!
8 year-old swith their belly and tongue pierced? Where do these kids live, because their parents need a good kick in the ass. The biggest problem now-a-days isn’t tv, or movie, or porn…it’s stupid parents. Sure, I’ve watched my share of porn by the time I was 6 years old, but that’s a topic for another day.
hmm smak her for asking that stupid question….. then again i got my tattie when i was barely in the 18yrs zone.
i have no idea the diff b/t crumpets n eng muffins… we just gotta catch up… i’ve forgotten what i used to do in van, and who i used to know! but what CAN we do when alkie n drugs aren’t involved hmmmmmmmmmmm
ummm…yeah, naughty nurses would be something a bunch of korean dudes would like. or, did you mean we’d have to dress like naughty nurses too? -.- either way that’s not going to happen since we’re going up on the second week. how is the weather up there around that time? do we need parkas, umbrellas?
ryc: That song is a bit addicting…don’t worry…it’s only for Valentine’s Day. Tomorrow, I’m switching. Just hold on for another 9 hours, dear.
And, no, today is not the day to talk about why/how I was watching porn at the tender and innocent age of 6 years old. Also not the day to talk about the time my dad caught me “taking care of business”.
Naw, lints on your body aren’t sexy.
Buttz would like to know when you are going to NYC in order to pack your bags in time so that he can recover from the puckies and mack the au pairs in your neighborhood.
transformers were the ish!
i didn’t know u were there. if i knew, i woulda called ya up. =P
really? does it rain THAT much up there? i hope the lines at the clubs aren’t too long. anyways, we’re going up there for a bachelor party. you don’t think vancouver is fun?
we’ll be there for 3 nights (thur-sun). we’ve done the vegas thing so we wanted to try something new. my buddy has been to vancouver before and he insists that we go north of the border instead of south (mexico). he swears vancouver nightlife is awesome. i think he just wants to go bc because things are “stickier” up there. lol. we’ll see. i’ll definitely take you up on that guestlist offer.
you’re up. do you aim?
how do u know my mom doesn’t save containers and watches chinese soaps?
Okay, sorry, I think buttz has schizoid tendencies, that’s why nobody understands him. -__-
From what buttz understood he assumed that you were planning to go to NYC so buttz thought that if he did a good job in order to make the trip go smoothly, he might be able to enjoy some leisure time without being pucked soon.
Buttz lives in gloomy Germany right now.
i wouldn’t know….that’s just speculation.
boring? i was only there for a few days and was snowboarding up in whistler. hit atlantis on sat night.
‘Cause I’m half German, and I grew up here more than half of my life. Where in Switzerland have you been, and when have you been to NYC!? I went to New York for 10 days on December 7, lol.
Buttz has a job offer from cheeseplz, so you need to throw less puckies if you wanna keep him. You know you waana, don’t you!?
haha.. “were you retarded?”.. classic.
you really don’t know what “stickier” means?
I feel honored regarding your longest post ever, but you just ruined my whole plan to play you off against each other for higher wages. Now buttz will be exploited by both of you T_T.
It’s German, Japanese, Austrian and Australian all in the mix. You got a multinational/cosmopolitan buttler, so please spoil him, or at least spare him some puckies from time to time.
making you feel even older? how old are you?
You get so many comments …. how do you do it??!
“stickier” = more attractive. by looking at your picture you’re definitely under 27.
just making the party in a new place. partyboys? no. o_Ov
thanks for the lesson in definition of partyboys. most of my friends are in la but i’m not at the moment. you mentioned that you’d like to go back to ny… is that where you’re originally from?
Oh, I desperately applied to a few design colleges in NY and now I’m in the middle of screwing up the app process. I don’t know much about cheeseplz’ job, just looking for better working conditions. I’m hungry, can I get a puck, please.
She recognized you, too. I’m not quite sure whteher this means that I’ll recieve higher wages.
Geneva is like a solid 8 to 10 h drive away, which is kinda a long distance for Europe.
haha, i have the link smack in the top of the post!
yes atlantis. don’t ask. and i dont’ think i can post pics.
yea…i find that kids are growing up way too fast these days….especially girls…i would hate to have a daughter now….
btw…the girl that slit her throat was at Fairview….beside Radisson on Broadway….
cool pix! Is that your sister?
haha no there’ll be more. but not for a while. i’ll be gone on vacation. leaving in the morning. don’t worry. i’ll come back asap.. that is, if im not havnig too much fun.
take care.
Eclectic? Must be because I’m old. Old people have a tendency to listen to a variety of music. Anyways, here is another comment for you. Maybe you’ll hit 200 comments…one day….one day.
ohhhhh im mad
first of all, realistically, which parents are ALLOWING this? even if a few latchkey kids where allowed, HOW would the MAJORITY of this class’ parents be that stupid? whut kind of piercer (? pierce artist??) is dumb enough to think an 8 or 9 year old could pass for an 18 year old? You need to smack Jenna for lying with your teaching hand. smacksmacksmack
bbaaaah work has me stressed out. i like the cd though. i listen to it after work and it makes me feel less murderous.
is it a fear ?
no matter when or where…God is always there by your side…have faith in him…
thanks. i feel better already. =) you look lot taller in this pic.
sorry. i was just trying to make conversation. hahaha jk. no you do look taller. i should learn photoshop.
if you’re considered short ugly little dokkebi then i like canada already!
Hehe, I applied to parsons, too, but I think I’m not gonna continue my app there.
Well, take a hot bath and relax and let buttz do the dirty work.
goooooooooooooood moooooooorrrrrrrninnnnnnnng.
why? guys are so nice.
i’ve tried met-rx, tri-o-plex, balance, powerbar……all nasty stuff and they ALL taste the same no matter which flavor i eat.
i haven’t tried the shakes…..but yea, let me know.
I guess that makes me Mr. Xanga
yes my first time across the border. why would you want to be shorter? btw, were you on the left in previous pic?
Hitch is a very fun movie to watch
bucking the eprop-comment trend as always, Jae… could it be?… that inside of you and me?… that there’s something to be shared…? It’s a wild, wild world out there… and Youssef Islam will always be Cat STevens to me. Cuz I’m Korean lahhh… *40′s gangster’s voice* KOREAN LAHHHHH SEEEEEEE???
I applyed to Cooper Union, Rhode Island School of Design and Parsons so far, but I might just not go there. So I’ll end up applying to schools in London and .. grr .. Germany. Can I just work as butzz forever and do some overtime on weekends for cheeseplz!? If you allow dogs, Louis can guard the house..
i don’t know, i don’t discriminate. i like ‘em all. short, tall, average…