February 17, 2005

  • why don’t asian girls smile when being photographed? … when was it that someone somewhere along the way decided that asian girls weren’t allowed to smile in photos anymore? … and it seems the larger the group photo, the chances that there will be any smilers in the picture are even slimmer … asian chicks will show their legs … their bare bellies … they’ll even show enough cleavage to be in the nipple-revealing danger zone … but never any teeth … sometimes i wonder how long these chicks have practiced in the mirror to get that perfectly blank look on their faces … does it make them think they look coy? modest? thoughtful? alluring? no … i wish i could tell them it looks boring, stagnant and comatose probably just like their personalities … y’at a funeral? lined up in front of a firing squad? got aids? why the long face? … the most common excuse for not smiling in a picture has got to be it makes me look weird … it makes you look what? … imagine if ronald mcdonald never smiled and was serious all the time? … would those little burgers sell? … would spongebob have sold any tickets to his movie if he was spongebob solemn pants? … somebody please explain this to me so i can smile in my own profile pic lol

Comments (56)

  • whatever? i’m 4’19″.

    i think they think that bigger the smile the chinkier eyes.

  • I read somewhere in some magazine back in the elementary (before I saw the penitentiary, Jay) that men find that women are more alluring and attractive when they’re giving off that half-smile…  that and something about a waist to hip ratio of .7 being rated most attractive, and consequently, having a greater fertility rate…  which leads me to berieve…  not believe…  bereave. 

  • silly girl, cuz it makes you cuter. your profile picture is very cute. but for me, i always smile, because if i dont, i look stupid. maybe they all have fucked up teeth

  • One thing I’ve noticed is that Asian girls that flashes the “V” sign in pictures always have a big ol’, teeth revealing smile.  On the other hand, those that do not flash the “V” sign simply smirk.  So my theory is, when being photographed, Asian girls are unconsciously fighting the urge to flash the “V” sign.  The struggle consumes so much energy that they can’t muster the strength to smile.  For those who gives into the temptation and flashes the “V with pride, they have all the built-up energy that it automatically transfers to their face muscles.

    Yeah, that’s about it.

  • In all seriously, I think it’s a cultural thing.  Asian girls are supposed to be reserved, demure, and shy.  Smiling like Ronald McDonald totally destroys that image.  So, you simply smirk.  It gives out a “Hi, I’m a cute little Asian girl…won’t you come chase me?”  message. 

  • they are trying to be zoolander doing the blue steel.
    you know it makes the face look skinnier and the check bone show more. haha

  • cuz their teeth are all jacked up like those japanese models…snaggle tooth scooby doo smiles, nah i mean? ;)

  • cos smiling risks showing a lotta so called features that are interpreted as ‘flaws’ by the individual, like crinkly eyes, uneven teeth, too many/no dimples, eye bags….

    if one just puts on a bland face everything is just…. in place? :P lol thats my theory.

  • ryc:  I think your profile pic says “*smirk* Hi, I’m Jae.  How YOU doin’?”  Am I close?

  • bad dental hygiene…for example..look @ those japanese girls..they all have cute and pretty faces  but all of there teeth are disatrous..so thats why they dont smile…i guess asian ladies in general…

  • You don’t find my phermones sexy?  I’m just musky :p

  • Jae, have a good weekend.

  • hahah, i have no idea.. maybe it’s just an asian thing. i can’t stand going out to “asian clubs” where all the guys just sit at their tables trying to look hard-up. i mean, why even go out if your not gonna have fun?? ThOzE gUyZ R pRollYz Da 1nz dAt TyPe LyKe Diz! haha, anyways, keep smiling, laughing, and be happy. we’re the ones that live longer=)

  • ive seen plenty of teeth! :D

  • Show off thopse teeth! You know ppl want to see them. WHAT’s to be scared of? No one’s going to run away. I think it is an asian thing. It’s all about keeping up appearances and remembering all those things parents told you when you were growing up.

  • that’s my height overly exaggerated.

    don’t feel bad i’m not the brightest crayon in the box either.

  • all asian girls have aids!!  i think its cuz a lot of asian girls are insecure, and by giving a blank face, they’re not letting anyone know anything. in case they’re easily hurt, they can always retreat to that blank-faced fortress of “I’m-better-than-you.”

    btw  jay….your glasses couldn’t even step to my glasses.  my lenses be bulletproof.  *ding!*

  • I don’t really agree.  All the girls I know smile in their pictures.

    Yea, it’s kinda close to barcode.  A few more blocks east.

  • steve is so lame. “shut up, steve!”

  • i smile. let’s not group us all into one category dammit! heehee

  • Louis humps everything. He’s into the domination thing I guess. Now that’s ironic: butzz and his dominant dog. Damn, I’d have loved to get adopted by two hot entrepreneurs.. :(

    It’s the smile that makes clowns look appaling, especially if they advertise for fast food. I’m not a girl, nor a clown, nor do I get paid for attracting kids, but I try to avoid smiling too when it comes to taking pictures. Actually I just try to avoid being pictured ’cause I’m the most unphotogenic creature that ever lived.

    Anyway, I guess that Asian girls either don’t show teeth because the Mona Lisa is such a big popular thing in Asia or they have bad teeh.

  • yea, i love that movie.

  • yes, very excited…can’t wait to see what sin city is all about…don’t worry, i’ll be a good boy…maybe.

  • Ngah hah, congrats, you are the first one to notice my header’s content. I thought I need something colorful and abstract and nobody ever noticed it, so I thought it’s alright.

    And I thought that even though you said you don’t, you sport the semismiling in your pic aswell. Mona Lisa is a mistery anyway, who cares.

    May I ask what kind of dog you have!?

  • y’at? hehehe…

    girls don’t smile in pictures because they got jacked teeth. or they got an ugly smile. ugly smiles do exist… OR! maybe girls think that by smiling, they are showing a sign of weakness.  ok, i don’t know what i’m talking about… happy friday!

  • i look like a retard in all my pix… who cares abt the smile.. lets be concerned abt them dbl chins

  • What, you don’t like the bitchy look? lol…I have tons of pix with girls smiling (From FUNKtion, not personal photos..puhahaha)..maybe they were intoxicated. *shrug*

  • Have you seen some of these asian girls’ teeth?!?!? Can somebody say SHREDDER? LOL (Present company is always excepted)

  • It’s truly amazing what is happening in our world. Never before has prophecy been more meaningful and pertinent to our daily life. Incredible prophecies are being fulfilled right before our very eyes. What a thrilling time to be alive! You may ask “why are we so excited about this being the end time?” We are excited because all of these Final Signs whisper Jesus is coming back soon!

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    ´º o`·, /__/ _/_ ____/
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    ¸,.-·°´ ¸,.-·~·~·-.,¸ `

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  • I wanna see your teeth in your pic.

  • I luv your profile pic just the way it is — very hot!  Maybe they are self conscious about their teeth?  I’ve noticed Japanese girls seem very worried about this.

  • well perhaps the serious looking countenance is meant to be more of an alluring aspect to those that view the image…and as far as it being that it is Asian women…well more or less has something to do with the exotics of their culture…as far as that goes…I feel it is also a turn on….but thats just a simple mans opinion…well take care


  • dunno what’s up w/ jesus guy. weird!

    i read the book – it’s so awesome!! i highly recommend it to anybody!

  • wow… I cannot agree with you more!

    or perhaps they’re like Kelly Chan, they got horrible teeth LOL

  • Totally!! you pull up to someone at a red light…then look over, and it’s like ‘HEY’!…then you have to sit there like an idiot until the light goes green pretending to play with your stereo haha.

  • well..blankness is preferrable to the drunken come-hither man-eater look with too much make-up on…..

  • Just browsin random ppl’s blogs.  hahaha, DAMN!  I like the way you write!  And that blinking picture, trippy stuff.

  • bought a printer from work and it broke.

    ya thats me. why?

  • LOL i was going to ask YOU why you weren’t smiling in your profile pic. Your last sentence answered it. You look better in your blinking icon because your smile is more evident.

  • I’m moving back in August. :)

    I smile too!


  • i dont think its only asian girls…smiling scrunches your face so pics dont come out as nice.
    i want a chia pet as well.

  • jeez you might be right, he just called me and asked for more. This sucks.

  • Although I prefer the big ones I must say: What a cute, cute dog. How old is he!?

    Making you something with Photoshop!? I’m such a beginner, I’m sure you know hundreds of photoshop professionals…

  • Sure *rolls eyes*..err..I’ll buy you a “diamond.”  Jemi’s ring got 30g’s?  Well thats canadian for 20g’s right? But damn, thats a solid rock. 

  • i’m from nc by the way, how about you?

  • 30 USD?!?  Ok, you have to beat her and and take her diamond and buy yourself a new car

  • As far as I know, they really are German dogs. I’d like to send my best wishes to your dog. Happy 1st birthday.

  • There is one azn girl that doesn’t smile at me when we talk (she sends me smiles in icq, though). That’s fairly confusing.

  • too late lol.  my head hurts.

  • random Prwopz*HiHi !! WaHZ yoR NaMe? Mah nAMe iShuu Jojo!! >3< NicE tuU meET yuU*` nice DP! so purTy!!

  • smile :D hahah are u in vancouver?

  • haha yeah i live in big NC north carolina lol charlotte, hopefully will be moving shortly from here..very cool that you going to move to nyc .. my aim is cfhirolla if you wanna say hi sometimes :)

  • passerby.maybe they just don’t have straight teeth? haha. yes, generality.

  • passerby.maybe they just don’t have straight teeth? haha. yes, generality.

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