March 13, 2005
i hate the dinktards that leave one eprop … why make the extra effort by having to push another button just so you can leave one and not two? … why take the extra energy to be so annoying? … i hope their sons are born with one testicle and their daughters grow up to have one breast since they like the numero uno sooo much
Comments (141)
its for attention!
haha awww how about I just give u none? jk! lols *hug* cheer up babygirl =)
lol, now everyones gonna do it to annoy you. but i wont, cuz your cool.
so wuts the 0 eprop monster look like?
hahah i think you are right….i hate 1 eprops more than 0
p.s. suicide and caka are bastards =p
what are dinktards? vancouver is nice.
Hahahaha, damn these motherfuckers, jay. I was going to be the first to leave you one eprop, but they went ahead and go gone did it. But I’ll be happy to pioneer the foray into 0 eprop territory. *pat pat* Think nothing of it, chingoo. It was my pleasure.
LMAO, i think they want your attention!
i wished e props was money…i would be rich by now…hope your doing well…
HAHA, no that pik is common from emails n stuff…
i was like gonna have a fit if it was from my page >=
id understand ur anger if eprops wer elike… worth something..but.. uh… yeah.. it dun put no food on the table!
haha! Me no likey when haters give no eprops…if they take the effort, at least say something, like, “I hate your xanga, it sucks”. Then at least I can harrass them back!
yup my car is my baby hehe it does what it wants! doesn’t complain HAHAHAHAHA well I know u’ve been in some accidents jae heh don’t ever scare me like that again! gurls can’t drive period lol
i’m being an asshole. ahahahah
ya i agree…hate those 1 epropers….muahahahahha….
ryc: $1 for POOP is cute?…..hahahah oh man…. i need at least $1,000,000 to even think about going to get it….hahah
yes unfortunately i’m back already. we ended up going to atlantis.
Oh, that’s awesome. I only left one eprop once, and that’s because frank was being a comment whore. But it’s in good fun. People who only leave one eprop for no good reason though, WTF. It’s almost offensive to think that they thought so little of you that they took the effort to move from the default of 2 to just 1. Assholes.
How I’ve changed myself to fit this Xanga… well for one thing, I’m not a good Christian boy. When I first started writing, all the comments I was leaving on my cousin’s thing were about Faith and God and all that. So people automatically assumed I was a full-blown Christian boy. The fact is that while I AM Christian, and my Faith is strong; I’m not a very good guy. At least not like the other Christian boys here.
Another thing… I’m not all happy go lucky as I appear to be here. I’m pretty dark actually, and I’ve got a lot of brooding energy. You’ll see what I mean when you read archangel_01011000. Am I going to see you there? I hope you’ll at least give me a try there. I won’t hold it against you if you don’t like what you see; but that’s more of the “real” me, and thousandthdream is going to be shits and giggles.
What else?
I actually have a lot of fem going on. I have a lot of feminine hobbies, but I’ve been supressing talking about them. First of all, franksabunch (cousin) looks down on that sort of thing. And for the most part, so do all the other guys I’ve made friends with. Therefore, I’ve only been writing about male hobbies: Cars, guns, etc. Y’know?
Oh btw I always meant to tell you that you have awesome eyebrows. The shape and form and proportion to your eye/nose points is perfect. And you have gorgeous eyes. You’re so lucky.
And two eprops for you.
yah, i never got that either. heres 2!
I just wanted to see how many people gave you one eprop on this one…yup, there’s a few…
-_- I got one eprop before. Cheap punks!
you asked for it. haha!
it was cool… actually went there on both nights but didn’t stay ’til the end. the crowd was good tho kinda on the younger side. my buddies met some korean girls there on friday and said they were cute. were you there? hahaha
no soup for you 1year
more peeps are giving u just 1 eprop to annoy u haha
Hey, you know what it’s like to grow up with one testicle or breast? Just for that, I’m gonna have to eProp you with numero Uno =P
too bad you cant give 3 eprops…then my son would be born with 3 testicles…rawwwrrrRR! =)
you know what i hate more? people who leave 1 eprops just because you said it.
no eProps for you!
yeah, the 1-propers are annoying little fuckers.
drinkingdrinking……im going to start drinking on the plane…
here’s one eprop. haha j/k
should i give you one eprop?
ryc: is there anything that you’re NOT afraid of? O_o` haha…
Yeh it is strange how some ppl would bother doing that!!!
hey. dunno if u still remember. I haven’t been on blog for a while so I’ve been reading my old entries and saw ur msg. haha. anyway, just thought I’d say hi. u still live in vancouver? what r u up to these days
haha…i can’t believe that this is even an issue…
comeee ouuttttt of hibernattiioooonnnnnnn…
i’m expecting u girls on the weekend! my life is so meaningless i need goals to get excited over
oh i was very tempted to leave one eprop… but i wont do it… i dont want you doing it back…
hahah ur so funny
i don’t get a 100+ eprops like you, and do you hear me complaining? you are like those spoilt rich kids that always complain that they don’t have enough.
I’ve been faithful in giving you 2 eprops.
Lolz…never had that happen…but I guess its just people who are just totally bored…
muahaha!! 1 e prop fo u as per request
cute xanga ^_^
1 eprop, that’s for the non-conformist ppl out there I guess. What are eprops good for anyway!? Imagine you could exchange them for real money. Then you could finally pay buttz and hire some sexy maids that give buttz an urgent massage.
what boogerfaces. we should revolt.
then.. we’d blame it on PMS. haha!
lol u’re so funny… ;P altho thats a pet peeve of mine as well .
i WISH i could buy an aquarium of monsters! too bad they don’t sell them~
i (was) the second one on the left with the super nerdy glasses o.O
I’m relatively new to this Xanga thing and I don’t really care how many “eProps” I get unless you tell me I can buy something with them…well can I?!?!?!?!? Are they worth ANYTHING???? What will someone do for eProps??? TELL ME!
well it was a little over summer beardy thing….
but that was months ago.
The SFIAAFF was showing Old Boy at the theater I work at which is also one of 2 sites where the films are being shown.
im guessin you’re not from southern cali =) If you were at le prive, you’d get hit up like no other~ where you from? you definately gotta come by… and if you do, let me know!
did you say dinktards?
Hey girl!
As for what K-flicks were featured at the San Francisco festival, the only one was “Old Boy”
But Sung Kang (from Better Luck Tomorrow) did represent big time in “The Motel.”
I am so exhausted!!! Hey cute new profile pic.
yep, caprice is on granville, its quite nice there [heard they recently renovated], not as big as atlantis but good crowd + music… i think its the one club i’ve been to where there is significantly more caucasions than asians… which is saying something for vancouver
actually mirage is quite multicultural too, but then again its all the way out in surrey x.x
i’ve never been a big clubber, maybe once every 2/3 months? i don’t have the time it takes to club – time beforehand to get ready, and time afterwards to sleep and be hungover -_-’ stupid school and stupid work…
no grad pic for you, DOOD!
i’m telling your mom that you think mr. hardon email guy was cute…hahaha!
You know this entry just begs for people to give you just one or no props. But I hear ya my baby mama.
Wait…I’m supposed to keep that DL.
do you have that song? can you send it to me via aim? the j song? gajang seulpeun mal. ill be your pal… i love that song too…
msg me at suchidiot for aim
or msg me on MSN at
yea, it’s college bastketball. guy stuff….=P
heres 2 for you.
def watch napolean dynamite
Nope, he’s 3 yr younger an my only sibling. I recall you mentioning your sisters!? How many siblings do you have!?
halitosis is like when someone doesn’t brush their teeth for like 2 weeks. ate some late night chinese at tsay hang’s(sp?). great, you’re staring at the wall again. =)
OMG I’m SO looking forward to going to Tiffany & Co. to do some registering. We have this HUGE three-story flagship Tiffany’s here with a whole floor dedicated to wedding registry stuff. We’re going to go so nuts in there. I think we might end up pulling off a lot of things from our Macy’s registry once we go to Tiffany’s.
hah comedy
Hmm, sorry about that.
I’d like to know what it’s doing to your computer.
Perhaps I can figure it out.
Whew. Sorry I took so long to reply to this one. I’ll take it apart one by one, k?
1) Fem qualities and hobbies:
I have almost as many traditionally fem hobbies and interests as I do traditionally male hobbies and interests. For example: I like to shop. I have a thing for fashion. I like to decorate. I enjoy craft making. I make hand-made cards (stamping, crafting). I do floral arrangement. I have a rose garden I take care of. I really really enjoy cooking (it’s my #1 hobby). There are more, but I don’t want this to get really long. Just as long as you know I also have just a wide range of masculine interests — I’m not especially fem if you took me at face value. I don’t look it.
2) Faith and religion
I know where you’re coming from. I grew up in the church, but I ended up rejecting it because I didn’t like the way they were. I eventually got thrown out of a bunch of churches because they thought I was a heretic. I now have absolutely no faith in the church itself, nor in most “christians”. I do still have absolute faith in God though — but like you, not in very much else. I wrote an entry about this that I’m waiting to post on archangel.
You’re introverted in real life? Hard to believe. You’re so popular here!
I’m introverted in real life too. INFP.
waldorf on sat? or like cheap booze styles…. CALL ME WOMAN
Wait, I appeared in your dreams!? And not only once, but manifested twice in the form of a twin brother!? How flattering!! Was it something sexy!? Pls, let it have been something sexy.
Wow, you must really be insecure if you need 2 eprops. Well to boost up your confidence, I have decided to give you 2 eprops. I wish I could receive a negative 100 eprops so I could say to society… go screw yourself.
yo, i knew a guy in high school w/one testicle… some girl found out and threatened him that she would tell everyone unless he hooked up with her… I guess that makes sense.
i’ll send you the endless rain english techno version if you send me the japanese ballard version. gimme your email. here’s mine:
holy shit…great minds think alike. i hate fuckers that only do one eprop or comment only…or the dreaded no prop (someone hates me enough to type…woah)…added work to look more like an anal dickwad? you could probably read alot about a person from their pavolvian response to the little dots….eenie meeny miney mo…
nice site!!
its a one eyed de-formed baby. >_<
Oh, too bad. I had a blog over kill, so I decided to stay away from this evil and only visit it once a day. Now what am I doing here!?
I really need to concentrate on my stuff and I basically have nothing to say so I thought I better shut up. Give me some input!
hahahaha. why are people so cheap on eprops…they act like its their money being takin out of their wallets
i like pushing people’s buttons
“butchering” something up means to mess it up, like when someone “butchers” the lyrics to a song when they try & sing it.
You like LV and D&G bags? Pretty pricey items. Do you have any? And if so, I bet your mom and pop bought them for you to celebrate your 16th birthday.
Heres 2 just 4u! =)
But I love cooking because I like to eat
I’m such a pig. Actually, I started cooking because I had to feed my face in elementary school. Now I like it because I like it as an art, and I like to feed people (love).
As for crafts: I posted up a picture of what I do in the current entry. Besides that, I do stuff like deco-clay flower making, card making, stamping, sewing, etc. Girly, yeah I know!
we were very thankful for the beautiful weather. yeah, sux to be you. o_Ov
you shouldn’t cover up your face like that in the pics… not very “sticky”. i was running around the clubs with an index card in my hand covering up girls’ faces to see if i could find you.
Gaaah, I’m in Germany, no Chinese herbal medicine around here. In case I ever get outta here, what kind of herbal med did you use!? I’ve tried acupuncture though, and it helped me with the rest of my allergies.
What is a picture blog supposed to be like!? Do I post pictures on a daily basis and you praise my works or something!?
i like your new profile pic! but show your whole face!
Yes, there is a Japan Town. And it’s actually pretty cool. A hella lotta good food too!
It’s the 26th btw. When is your’s, massa Jay!?
haha. so you want ONE eprop? as for my field of study, it will be finance and accounting.
big surprise, eh?
I’m sorry, Jay… that was so uncalled for, especially after you labeled me a pedophile… but I suppose, we should let bygones be bygones. Epropus revertus!!!
thanks for the one-breasted visual
woman, ur talking like u got a choice!!!!!!!! NO CHOICE!!!!!!!!!!! SATURDAY NIGHT UR back on the prowl hahaha time to hunt
jae, that would fall under position #5. ;p
“TV nun sarang eul shitgo..” Isn’t that the one where stars go look for their childhood sweethearts?
Dang… the concept is like lost on me cause like everything in my elementary and middle school years are a big blur…. -_- Especially faces. And, names.
hey hunnie !! just wanted to stop by and say happie pattie’s day !! *pinch* did u get pinch today ?? i had green on mai badge s0o0o0o i didn’t get pinch at all !! =T gtg toodlez !! miss u too !! =T xoxoxo <3 Kimmie
Heheh. At first, I thought you were talking about the flowers in the background… in which case, those are real flowers.
But then I realized you’re talking about the lavender roses on the cover. Those are made of folded layers of lavender satin, rolled and pulled into the form of a rose. Then the leaves are hot-glued on, and the whole thing is attached to ribbon and then attached to the papier mache itself (anchored beneath the lace and satin).
And heh… I’ll admit to it online, but not in real life! Nobody in real life knows I can do this stuff. I hang out with a bunch of manly men in real life.
I would totally draw you a cartoon thing, but I don’t think I’m good enough for that! My skills are lacking there.
What, are you trying to hit 100 comments before writing something new? Here’s two more.
jae be nice dun be so mean hehehe
stop neglecting us!
and don’t you dare blame it on pms! ;P
eprops are useless
hahaah i like the poster =)…well…heres 2 propz for it! ( only cuz of the poster! woulda gave u 1 w/o it )
hehe j/k
You dressed up as a bumblebee three years ago for halloween? How cute
Though I think yes it would have been way hotter if you went as naughty nurse.
hey you turned your face..ok here’s your eprops back…hehehe…..
and no dancing whatsoever.
hahahahaha yeah, why click the extra button? =D
Yes, it seems like everyone knows what Pocari Sweat is, except me! Instead of other people being fobbish, I am the one who’s out of touch
Oh well… next time I go to china or korea or taiwan or japan I’ll have to buy myself a case of that drink, and knock myself out. I’ve been deprived.
hallelooojah!~ you need to update and show your face. =)
That’s a strange question to ask, Jay… but well received nonetheless.
ryc: it’s like going to a chippendale’s show and seeing Chris Farley come out!
ha ha…its a travelling exhibit…my pictures move from post to post. 2 e-props is the key…everything good comes in pairs. eyes, breasts, happy hour drinks …and twins!!
ryc: the payload of a zit is the yellow puss
<//~~~~~~~~~mr. nerd
glad u enjoyed it. =)
jae, she’s like 11 years old…i can’t have her reading the crap i post on a daily basis or else she’ll be traumatized for real…& my cousin (her dad) will either kick my ass, or tell everyone in the family about what a perv i really am…i can’t have that. ;p
damn them e-prop shiests!! =)
Yeah no kidding. I could do this full time too. But I’d probably end up like 500 pounds. I was thinking… man, the ideal job(s): Part time food taster, part time mystery shopper. How awesome would that be?
I gave one eprop before, but it was to annoy my friend. And it worked too, hahaha.
ryc: at a bar…..
the shes are more lie ex-shes. :/
O <~~~ that’s an extra eprop even though it looks like an “O”
wow, since when did you become miss popular xanga with your 100+ comments?
take care, eric
you crack me up. ill make sure to give you 2 eprops everytime just so that my future son won’t be born with one nut. Canada is niice~ ive never been there before but from the pictures i think its good place to live. Vancouver looks fun~
yes, you should jae…you really, really should.
she’s got a lot of cute things…..
pugs can shed too? that was one type I ‘d want to get.. either pugs or Dashunds..sooo cute!
so you laugh at yourself?? =) happy good friday!
hey jae! where ya beens? KIT okay?
hahaha.. today, i learn to keep my mouth shut when two women are arguing.. if you don’t know what to say, don’t say anything.. =P so i’m just giving you 2 eprops to keep you quiet.. =D
i’m talking about the 2 women at work today.. nothing to do with you.. i’m just saying “never argue with females, always please them”
I dont know if the owners changed but yeah its a little diffrent and actually pretty good on saturdays from what i hear.
here ya go..TWO eprops!
spend dem wisely haha
maybe its cuz they like what u said… but they dont LIKE, like what u said… u know?
. ill have fun, im sure… hopefuly ill get some work done in between.
went to balthazar then voda…why didn’t you come?
hey sweetie !! sowie it took meeh s0o0o0o long to update and catch up on signing everyone’s xanga page !! been s0o0o0o buzzie w/ mai new job and taking kare ob tha boiz and all !! >.< i hope that u hab a great weekend hun !! gtg toodlez !! xoxoxo <3 Kimmie
i’m having a boring ass weekend…hope yours is better…toodlez.
wang zhazhi?!?!? HAHAHAHAHA. i bet no korean could keep a straight face when being introduced to her.
woah, you get a shit load of comments.
mmm perhaps we do ^_^ you needa update! whats going on with u nowadays miss?
it’s a lounge in yaletown….on davie….just like to go n try different places….i realli hate going to places that everyone goes to…
Here you go!! 2 eprops and a happy easter with!! That should make your day.
ryc: it’s good so far!! but i’ve read lotr a couple of times, and i’m REALLY into the background/supplementary stories – plus i’m a huge fantasy reader, so i’m mentally already into it. u just have to get past jrr tolkien’s letter to some guy, and the story about the ainur b/c they seem kinda lame, and once the elves get into it, it’s good! i haven’t finished it yet, but i like it.
i just realized that hermitizing (?) saves a lotta $$!! which is practical, since i’m down to 41 bucks in my account *sigh* sucks to be meeee…
hermiting doesn’t help the social life though . i guess thats what xanga is for ?
haha. i can’t take that much time off. =P need to pay the bills, ya know.