May 15, 2005
so, who’s more annoying korean guys or chinese guys …
when it comes to names: korean guys are so annoying sometimes … like when they’re trying to tell non-koreans their korean names … they gotta be so specific it hurts … my name is seunghoon … that’s sssseeeunghoooon, not sunghun … nono, not sunghoon … ssseeeuu … say it ssseeeuu … seriously, you spray saliva like a mother … chinese guys never wanna tell you their chinese names … cause its always something like xiaoshingpngergslgj so they only tell you their english name and their last name … but unlike korean guys, chinese guys get all mental if you mispronounce their last name … everybody always reads my last name as wang but its supposed to be pronounced whang!! … i mean duuuh … or … it’s not leung, its leeyeuuurng … seriously, you shoulda spelt it ‘leeyeuuuurng’ in the first place u whangker … result: tied
when it comes to identity: korean guys love being korean, end of story … chinese guys love to be mistaken for a japanese person … why is this? … saying things like ‘wow, i thought u were japanese, not chinese’ or ‘you look like an japanime character’ make their day and make them say annoying things like ‘everybody says i look japanese!’ … result: +1 chinese
when it comes to food: what is the number 1 annoying korean male quote when it comes to food … ‘i’m not just saying it because i’m her son, but my mom is the world’s best cook … ask anybody and they’ll tell you the same thing’ … do these a-holes even hear themselves lol … being able to ask anybody about your mom’s cooking and getting a good response just means she just cooks for a lot of people for free whether its giving it away in containers or having a lotta people over for dinner … koreans would say a tire tasted great if it was free … what is the number 1 annoying chinese male quote when it comes to food … ‘sweet and sour pork is not reeeal chinese food’ … then wth is it, african? … every chinese food recipe: 1. add a cup of oil, 2. toss it around, 3. add sauce … sweet and sour pork fits the description so shutup already … result: tied
conclusion: chinese guys are a little bit more annoying than korean guys lol jk -_-;;
anybody know any interesting xangas to read? …
Comments (151)
hahaha…. guess i’m lucky to be korean by your account.
i concur
I dont know…I think you were a bit biased in your conclusion. Your earlier entry bashed chinese guys. I think korean guys are overly proud of being Korean which gives them a +1 annoyance point in my book…Hey you’re bunny looks almost identical to mine…is it a dwarf bunny?
not mine. ill show u wassup with chinese ppl when i get back
who are all these guys ur talking abt, and why the hell aren’t u introducing them to me…
i get mistaken for every single mofoing race to the point that i dont bother correcting out of laziness…. and yet if i was called flip i think i’d be insulted haha
My last name is Choy. Yeah, like the Korean one. ha ha ha. No, not like the vegatable. Ok, maybe like the vegetable.
hmmm damn maybe its the chinese people youre meeting… seriously….
this has got to be one of the funniest posts i have ever read………in my entire………well?…….har….jk…this chinese guy thinks it is pretty good =) dont read mine….it’s just about every day POOP
Haha! Yeah, junk ‘em all….Taiwanese boys are the best! Interesting xangas? Dear, you know where to go…
how annoying, your eyes aren’t winking
Hilarious once again. I really hope that by now, people know to take your psots with a grain of salt. =)
apt observations, as always, Jay… Although it seems like you gloss on Korean men and go into somewhat more detail with our Chinese brethren… makes me wonder… ‘tings… ‘tings…
I don’t know if she’d like all the attention, but I really enjoy c0gnoscenti’s page… I’d hyperlink it for you, but I think that’d be crossing the line, you know?
i can’t believe you’d say all these horrible things about chinese ppl…..i’m offended…..again….
funny as always…
nooooooooo im chenese, so i guess i suck lol
i like Korean girls better than chinese girls though!
i get offended when i’m mistaken as a korean.
hey i guess i am chinese and annoying with food. i love cooking, but it is easy to do just like you said. but everyone loves my cooking. hey i live in japan and want to be japanese. hey thanks for the humbling. i am not special. thanks!!
whooohoooo! koreans win!
missed ur posts.. keep’em coming!…there are not enough Korean guys for me to judge..but chinese guys are beginning to annoy the heck out of me.. They are all the same..the ones I know try to be white.. like ‘i can’t speak no chinese or chinglish.”
interesting Xangas? mine’s pretty good. no pics, though. sorry
hangook people rock!!!!
why don’t you add a few more points of comparison? but i agree that sweet and sour pork isn’t real chinese food and neither is captain chow’s chicken, but who gives a damn? if i’m hungry, i’ll eat that, your kimchi, or anyone’s mom’s cooking. how’s that for annoying?
haha i like this.
yayy new blog
its a good thing to spend time away from xanga! at work, msn is blocked so i’m reduced to pure internet surfing… i Think there should be something known as photography school, but not many? i have another friend who graduated from esthetic school, now her parents are making her go back to ubc cos shes ‘had her fun’ o.o
i think a lotta chinese guys are posers too, they’re really not that hardcore but they ‘dress to impress’ and stick their car with assorted absurd stickers… -_-’
i didn’t even notice victoria holiday was coming up! no plans so far… kinda itching to do the grouse grind but depends on mood/ weather conditions… how bout u?
korean guys are annoying because they tend to be persistant/stalkerish in the beginning. chinese guys are annoying because theyre not manly-man.
-= O
i’m offended!
Do I live in Texas? No, I currently reside in NJ, but I’ll be headed to California at the end of the month. As for Texas, I’ve been there a couple of times-spent time in Big Bend National Park. Also, walked across the border to Ciudad de Juarez en Mexico from El Paso. What’s in Juarez? Cheap food, cheap beer, and something called a donkey show. Never did go to one the couple of times I’ve been to Juarez, but maybe next time. The idea of a rodeo with donkeys intrigues me.
Anyway, feel free to leave comments on my site. I’d love to match wits with our very own Dorothy Parker of the Korean neighborhood of Xangaland.
nice post!!….you should come to my page….it’s very interesting to read….
Oh yeah, about my Xanga being worthwhile to read: I wrote that comment in a fit of immodesty. I’ve seen the lavish spreads cooked-up on Xanga (yours included) and I think about my own. It’s like opening up a bag of chips and serving that to my few guests for dinner. ‘I that it?’ I’m afraid so.
Anyway, there is a brilliant young saterist on Xanga whose material I’m sure you’ll enjoy. Just go to where you left me a commnet. You’ll see a pic of a girl with her dog. Go to her site.
Get ready for the hate.
LOL! I can always come to your page for a good laugh =)
Shouldn’t you be asleep? Anyway, Ms. Parker was a member of the Algonquin Rountable, a group of writers in NYC during the 20′s who gathred together and said witty things to one another.
She was asked to use horticulture in a sentence. Here’s what she came up with:
‘You can bring a whore to culture, but you can’t make her think.’ badumbum
ryc: you’re right about my taste in music. i like almost anything – even country! it doesn’t have to fit within a specific genre for me as long as the tune is good and the lyrics aren’t retarded. did you know that a lot of R&B songs are borrowed from country music?
Korean girls trying to find out whether if korean guys or chinese guys are more annoying might be even more annoying? haha I kid, or maybe I dont.
you musta had a chinese bf before?… xanga is dead now… post some more interesting xangas girlie.
where the heck you been? i got your txt msg the other day…next time jus’ call my ass.
btw, how do chinese people name their children? they break dishes. “PING, CHING, CHANG, TONG, SHENG…” (i kiiiiid, i kiiiiiiid)
hey!!! bring back the winking eye! it was flirtatious, and has charisma… who or what am i gonna wink at now?
why just koreans and chinese, what about the rest of us? vietnamese, filipino, laotian, etc… people always ask me how to pronounce my last name and i always say, pronounce it anyway you want (cuz really, they can’t say it right no matter how they try).
Korean guys rule, damnit!
And yeah, I got an interesting xanga for you to read.
yeah…whats with the inferiority complex. o_o
that one always gets to me.
don’t make me compare krn chicks to other nationalities now… lol
but my mom is the best cook damnit! haha
Lol, lol, lolz, I’ve found a bug again, you gotta call the vermin exterminator or something. Bugs annoy me, and xanga’s been like a verminous discovery channel special lately. I wonder if I can like copyright whenever I find a new one and have them named after me.
I don’t give a damn about the rest, but the japanime character one is one of the dullest comments you can make. There are way too many ppl posting tedious crap. Matter of factly, I do, too. There’s this lady however, with the neat entries .. her name’s jay, or jae!?
haha this is not fair.. Chinese guys are still recovering from Long Duck Dong since the 80′s…
hey u miss vietnamese guys in there *urggghhhh*lol
My brother is married to a Chinese girl, from Toronto, actually. Don’t you have a sister who’s going out with a Chinese guy? Maybe we can arrange a trade. I’m not kidding.
haha, omg, i know a chinese boy who doesn’t ever say his name but i guess it is similar to his american name (henry) so i think you say hi hung li.
same guy has a fetish with the japanese thing.
and once again, says the same thing about his food.
my conclusion, chinese are +3
lol i’m super lazy as well… i like to attend bbq’s but not organize them cos theres so much stuff, from utensils to actual food… hope we’ll have great weather though!
i hate sleeping early. 7pm-2am = adequate, but now i have ‘overhang’ time to burn, and i’ll feel like crap at work o.o
Hmm. Your assesment seems pretty accurate. =)
guys been treating you bad lately?
u may hate on koreans
but iknow ur dating history
i’m bored!! write more~
lucky… i’d love to be superhumansleepingpowerswoman
i have rarely sleep more than 7hrs, if that… must be caused by the all nighters i pulled when i was a young one
its sucks tho, i work ~10 hrs and sleep ~ 7 and have no time for nething else…
ryc: they meet in college, here in the States. College sweethearts, who made it forever by getting married. I love watching my mother interact with her. It’s very funny. Definately worth the price of attending family functions.
hey girl, i just wanted to say you are very pretty and should post pictures on your site. where have you been? i am waiting for a post.
haha wow, good way to be blunt! and yes, i am a korean guy as well but i don’t really take offense to it because i see myself as not falling into that particular category of korean guys. oh and i’ve seen them around too; some of them are my friends and yes, it does annoy me. but are you referring to “boater” korean guys or “americanized” korean guys? in any case, awesome blog!
hahaha nice one.
by your standards i’d be the least annoying korean guy. my mom can’t cook, i don’t use my korean name and i can’t stand being mistaken for a japanese guy
haha, i’d do jae vs. jae, but not enough relevant info…-_-;
hahah yo making me giggle to myself @ work…
i know dave.. and u think that’s the only one i know b/c u have selective memory!!! that’s OK b/c MY dating history is *more* necessary to forget..
korean…chinese….all i know is that……NIGROS ARE SCARY!!
stilladick is a good xanga but im sure u know about his site already.
lol- the most annoying thing korean guys say about food (according to me) is “the women in the house do all the cooking.” hehe.
hehe. rudolph
damn… i swear i posted something. hmmmmm….
i never tell anybody my korean name. puhehe. yes, i love being korean =) And no, my mom sucks at cooking except the simple stuff. (she’s used to eating out =/ )
Now my turn =) Korean girls are the best in almost everyway except:
1. The Korean drama that they love to watch. Its like water to them, except its more like poison. They dont know that its really hazardous to them! It brainwashes them to the point where their million dollar boyfriend is not good enough. =( I mean, is crying all that fun? =P
2. The Louis Vutton and the Gucci bags that comes along with them like a tag on a shirt. If they dont got one, you know who’s gonna buy the next one… the boyfriend. eeek!
3. The “my boyfriend will do it for me” mentality. Guys like to spoil a girl to a certain limit. Its something about our pride. But when 1 essay becomes a semester work of essays, the guy begins to wonder why he did the first one!
hehe.. i just meant all this for humor. You have the best blogs cuz you dont kiss ass.. you say what you mean. Like me.. puhahah
I believe that’s normal and that my dog loves it, too, hell, even I enjoy it, but there are no meadows with that kind of blades of grass around. I’d be lying if I told you that everything’s great, but things could be worse. Besides, there’s some movement and new and hopefully exciting things to come up. I really hope I end up at some design college and I wanna travel. Summer makes me happy and has a vitaliting effect on me. What are your plans for the summer and what are you up to!?
Really liking your banner, btw. Maybe I should add some motion to mine, too.
sextext’s xanga is really fuin to read (if you like reading about sex). my xanga used to be interesting until i got out of it, maybe in a month or so, it’ll start getting interesting.
i went to dcee604′s pg and he does the grouse grind in under an hr!! =O it takes me at least twice that time? lol, sigh…
everything well with you jae?
LOL! ALL asian guys are annoying! LOL. thanks for the comment!
even more importantly is not getting a hangover
i think the grind would take an ‘average’ person from 1.5hrs to 2hrs? of course my personal time is much longer than that ;) the suckiest/greatest thing about it is that u can’t give up halfway, even if u wanted to- theres nothing to cart u down and u have no choice and no where to go but up… lol i thought similar to u but not as evil- i wanted to slow pple down too~ its funny cos i think theres some hardcore ‘grinders’ who always go and recognize each other, so they can pick out us huffing and puffing newbies right away… and they make encouraging comments like ‘good job, keep it up!’ while i’m thinking ‘u turds, i have no choice now do i?!’
thoughts of FOOD at the top always helps!
havent checked your site in a while!! love the photos that are on top of your main name! soo pretty!!!
hrmm…yeh all chiense guys love being mistaken as japs coz for some reason they reckont heir cool but then again, it seems like alot of asians like japs!!
i reckon korean guys are anoying. Coming from here, all the korean guys i know are sooo upthem selves!! seriously they are the most cockist bastards ever!!! they all drive fancy cars and think their top shit.
alot of the korean guys here are very manly macho, not really the soft sweet types who are shy.
but then again, chiense guys do have their negative points too…all depends…
lol….ohhh yeh if u do find any good xanga sites to read fill me in babe!
you’re not ancient….you just haven’t been out in a while….same as me…..
he’s super abusive….after he gotta tattoo he’s all hardcore n thinks he’s hot shit….
Ugh! Put up a post!
hey lil one.. where have u been?? i should say the same for myself.. i got another letter..
~ hmm… poo.. i miss ya dork.. anyway.. just wanted to say hi..
ps.. i aint like what u described up top.. although i do have to say.. my mom is THE best cook ever.. hands down.. haha..
then why do you keep dating them, you chonger lover
I guess the Asians in Canada are different than the ones in the States but, where ever you seem to go its the koreans who have a lot of pride.
no contest…korean guys handsdown are the most annoying and irritating, but we have an excuse…it’s genetic. Chinese guys are just plain pussies.
what about japanese guys? are we not even on the map? took the liberty of subscribing, thanks for the interesting posts.
You need to update faster! =)
do you find me annoying too??….or just so-so??….
aw..hey thanks.
yea the movie itself you may think cheeesy..but I actually liked my ain’t too bad.. but I’m a big softie whne it comes to it tho mushie lil’ chickflicks.
here’s 2 props. post faster.
What about mine, Jae? It’s interesting , yes?
Need a new entry from you!!
Paramount = new cinema~ get ur mind outta the gutter?
yep i’m quite elated from finishing school, but not so much as the moment i went online in late april and realized i passed all my courses!! that was my official “moment” where i knew everything was gonna be ok… actual convocation was just routine stuffs to go through with parents~
i’ve been trying to fit as much as “stuff” as i can per day, and killing myself in the process -_-’ working 9-5, then going out and meeting friends around 6-7pm… Really doesn’t work well, especially since i need to wake up at 6:45am every morning to get ready? heh maybe mid dinner they turned down the lights in your diner cos they didn’t want u to look too closely at the food if u were eating :P
anyways hope everything is going well with u, take cares in this crappy windy weather we’ve been having~
okay, i don’t know about the rest of you, but this entry was pretty damn funny. it’s so funny that i do not care if its true or not! WHO CARES – IT’S FUNNY! the best part is how it’s told exactly how it is without worry about being PC or too analytical. i am laughing at work hahaha.
* Get this for your chicken, Jae *
you haven`t posted in nearly a month. tisk tisk!!!
random proz …cool entry
ryc: so is going topless out of the question haha
hahaha. thats funny.
but as for me, i’m korean and…
1. I don’t care what my name sounds like out of the other person. i’ve been called so many different things that i’ve gotten used to it. so i just don’t bother correcting them. i just tell them to call me dave.
2. i’m proud of being korean but i’m not overly zealous or anything like that. i honestly hate koreans. haha. well, a lot of koreans. koreans = too shallow, tough wannabes that act gay when you actually get to know them. haha.
3. my mom used to be good but she’s cooking everything healthy which means less tasty.
conclusion…i guess i’m just not THAT korean after all. haha.
Hi kid. And no, BFK does not stand for ”beefcake”!
LA to be exact. Great weather and nice beaches, though NY has it’s finer points too.
wow. 96 comments. only 3 people read my site.
just thought i should give you props for being perhaps one of the very few korean girls out there that don’t make me wanna throw up on myself. good job.
These plentiful deep posts of yours…..are just too much for me.
This is weird. Your comments are unaffected by the Great Xanga Outage. …
J, it’s so lonely out there.
nice umm…explanation there.
my friend ex is korean and his mom does make the best korean food
you’re the exception!!
and i just declared you MIA. where u’ve been?
It’s hard to judge, really. Because everybody is different, we cannot pin point a definitive answer for such a silly question brought up by Jae
yea..i got summerschool along with sucky!! >.<
hey..what happened to your updates? you always have something interesting to say.. update woman!! hehe.
She speaks! Where have ya been?! Nice to hear from ya… Have a great weekend! =)
Haha, Jennifer Lopez. ^_- Damn, you have quite a Xanga fanbase…
I was……in September…on my bday
hey, my mom isn’t the best cook in the world…she’s second. only to my grandmother that is
and yeah, my gf gets that she looks like her a lot. take care, eric
I’m a Chinese guy and I don’t tell anyone my Chinese name. hahahahhaa. I think Danny is easy enough for a FOB or non-FOB. LOL.
your page is so much cuter..mine is boring..I loves your banner…I know what you need update!!! =)
anyways..yea..I can’t really manage 6 days work and school at the same time..I’m beat up like shit..and its summer..I’m in need of a vacation.
i’m korean. my name is fredrick. my mom is not the best cook, actually far from it. its cool being korean, but when i eat kimchee i smell like nastiness. and, i’m annoying despite my oh so tantalizing dragon breath
You don’t know who Steve McQueen is? See “The Great Escape” (1963)!
like ur blog. (=
hmm…its so true what you said there!.chinese guys are always tryin to look japanese……korean food is niceeeeee…. but nothign beats chinese food! hahaha!..
i find korean girls to be annoying too.. but i still love them.
Woman where are you??!!??!!
So what would make better matches?
Korea guy & Chinese girl or Chinese guy & Korean girl?
Oh, I forgot. All Asian girls are too busy chasing white guys, moot point.
Most guys are annoying period. LOL.
please post girljay. please.
I have nothing to say. One of my classes is taught by a Canadian. So you guys say ‘write an exam’ instead of ‘take an exam’? What’s up with that?
Why don’t you write about why you dislike people from Toronto so much? Or the differences between Korean-Canadians and Korean-Americans? Or the rich guy to whom you are engaged? I noticed the massive rock on your finger in that picture on your sister’s site where you point to the rats jumping off the cliff.
Howcome the Japanese guys aren’t in the picture here?
I am a British-(Chinaman), haha, and I couldn’t agree with you more that the Chinese are very meticulous about the pronounciation, and if you still mis-pronouce, then they start to write the character on the palm of their hand. At this stage I stare and smile, let them write it and say I can’t read anyway!!! Haha…The sweet and sour pork/chicken is a classic case man! I tell ya, why the Chinese like being mistaken for being Japanese, because the Japanese are a well-respected race in the world. I have to say they do make some of the best technologies in the world. And the Chinese girls love being mistaken for being Japanese, because Chinese guys just lust for them. But yal know I prefer a Korean girl, that’s why my gf is Korean-Korean and she is top! Yal know what I’m saying!
ahahahha i love your entry- i had to drop a line LOL
propz for that. keke
Mad love,
Because Eastern Europeans are weak, yet the Germans are a strong country. Look at them, they make Mercedes and BMW and aircrafts. I must say, they are the finest engineers in the world among many things. Life is like that…There is a Chinese saying. “Man looks to climb high, water looks falls down” Sounds crap, cos its been translated. I guess this is just the nature of man.
ha ha ha~ so are you korean or chinese?
So you’re telling me Lumiere SUCKS?
Oh no..I’ve been wanting to go since forever.. I heard they have one (YEAH ONE!!!!!) piece of crab ravioli for 15$..hehehe.. or was that Feenies.. Ahh who cares.. I wanna try RobFeenies FOOD. =)
hey update
Whenever I eat beef jerky (or anything dried for that matter), I think of you. I might very well order the the 8oz of dried beef at Outback if they were ever to offer it on the menu. See, I do read your posts. As a matter of fact, so do many others. So, how about a new post. Please … please … please …
i think it’s about time you update.. so you’ve been tagged. check my xanga.
white guys
RYC: Nah, korean-Americans thump their Bible a LOT harder than do FOBs. But they tend to be more hypocritical in their actions.
You’re a girl. How could you be right??
I am a MAN. How COULD I be wrong??? You’re a chick. How COULD you be right???
*knock knock*
Still alive there?
The kids are starting to wonder where their mother is…
haha the whole chinese guys being mistaken for japs..never heard of that.
Hmm… xanga says you updated, but I see nothing. Interesting.
update, i’m bored.
ryc: no i live in toronto, that was from my cali trip last may.
c’mon you gotta write, you’re funny.
konichiwa my little friend! do you eat won tons? i hope so cause they the bomb! my favorite food is chinese food and sushi! how bout u? i wonder if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend and if so what is his or her name? my boyfriend’s name is ching chang hungh haw! well comment me bak k?
*~ching chang the wicked witch is dead~*
im just leaving this message cus my name is jae lee too
Funny stuff.
i’m chiense but get mistaken for being korean all the time… not sure if I’m offended or think that’s cool. I guess it depends on how how the girl who thinks i’m korean is… hahahahh
hey beautiful remember me? i was the one who used to rant in xanga everyday lmao…
anywayz u still single?!!! HOW?! dannnggg girl
hey there! write some more posts. they are funny!
congrats on your wedding!
have you disappeared?
Fantastic work man, keep your heads high you did it.
chef uniforms